Sunday, June 29, 2014

Weekly Health Quiz - Preventing Hot Cars Deaths

According to ("Leaving Kids Alone in Hot Cars —  Know the Risks and Consequences"),

"Heatstroke can happen when the temperature is as low as 57 degrees outside!"

"Prevention Tips to Avoid a Tragic Heatstroke" include:

a) "Never leave a child alone in a car."

b) "Never leave infants or children in a parked vehicle, even if the windows are partially open."

c) "Keep a large teddy bear or other stuffed animal in the car seat when it’s empty. Move the teddy bear to the front seat when you place the child in the seat as a visual reminder."

d) "If you are dropping your children off at childcare, but normally your spouse or partner drops them off, have your spouse or partner call you to make sure they were not left in the car."

e) all of the above

Answer: (e) all of the above


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