Saturday, October 19, 2013

Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

According to the CDC (Aug 2013)

"Whooping cough is very contagious and can cause serious illness―especially in babies too young to be fully vaccinated." "In the United States, the recommended whooping cough vaccine for children is called DTaP . . . protects children against three diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. "

Which is/are true regarding Pertussis (whooping cough)  vaccinations (DTap and Tdap) and whooping cough?
a) "Anyone who comes in close contact with your baby, from older siblings and cousins to grandparents and caregivers, should be up-to-date with whooping cough vaccination."

b) "Only one dose of Tdap is recommended for most people 11 years and older."

c) "
CDC recommends that all adults 19 years of age and older who didn't get Tdap as a preteen or teen should get one dose of Tdap."

d) "Currently, the only group that CDC recommends get more than one dose of this vaccine is pregnant women (each time they are pregnant)." (Tdap)

e) all of the above

Answer(s) and source(s)

e) all of the above

CDC: Pertussis

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