Food Safety & Pregnancy
DoctorzBlox / SmartzBlox Weekly Health Quiz
Food Safety & Pregnancy
According to the CDC (2013, "Food Safe and Pregnant: Tips for the Holidays and Beyond")
Which of the following "are some quick tips to help you make smarter food--and beverage--decisions"?
a) "Don’t share forks, cups, or food with young children. Wash your hands often when around children."
b) "Cook your meat and poultry until it’s well-done"
c) "Make sure eggs are thoroughly cooked"
d) "Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially when . . Touching raw meat, raw eggs or unwashed vegetables . . . Preparing food . . Before eating or drinking"
e) all of the above
e) all of the above
Answer(s) and Source(s):
SmartzBlox on your phone on your tablet / desktop
Food Safety & Pregnancy
According to the CDC (2013, "Food Safe and Pregnant: Tips for the Holidays and Beyond")
Which of the following "are some quick tips to help you make smarter food--and beverage--decisions"?
a) "Don’t share forks, cups, or food with young children. Wash your hands often when around children."
b) "Cook your meat and poultry until it’s well-done"
c) "Make sure eggs are thoroughly cooked"
d) "Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially when . . Touching raw meat, raw eggs or unwashed vegetables . . . Preparing food . . Before eating or drinking"
e) all of the above
e) all of the above
Answer(s) and Source(s):
SmartzBlox on your phone on your tablet / desktop